Tuesday, March 16, 2010


How I love color!  While black is always slimming, and probably looks better on my chubby bones than any other color, I love color on walls.  Some are too bold, and anyone who has been in my house knows that there are a few very colorful walls.  There is a time and place for every type of color.  I love colorful earrings, necklaces, scarves, socks, wallpaper, and STUCCO walls!  The textures and designs within some colors just bring out incredible excitement in me.

So what is my favorite color you ask?  Well it depends on the day really.

Sometimes it's blue, or a green.

My sister would tell you which pantone was her favorite color, but not me.  I like to match colors to something I already know.  I would rather say, his hair was like the color of chef boyardee tomato sauce.  To me that is more descriptive, but not very professional and most of my friends think I'm crazy.

Where can you find incredible colors?  All over the place really.

Light is the most important thing when viewing color and really photographing colors.
Bright light reflects too much off the color and so you won't get deep saturated tones if it's too sunny.  Overcast days are best, and if you're taking photos, my former workshop teacher Alison Shaw would tell you to underexpose just a little bit to get the best saturation. (of course there are more tricks to the trade than just that)

The caribbean has a lot of really great colors, and I hear that Puerto Rico has the greatest colors.  I've never been there, but it's now on my list of places to visit before I die.  That list is getting longer, so I hope I don't expire too soon!

Below are some photos from Nicaragua when I was there at the beginning of the month.  Leon is one of the oldest cities in Nicaragua, and the colors of the walls and doors and windows are just amazing.  As we drove through I had to cover my eyes because I could not see them all without taking photos.  What I should have done was savour the moment.  Dummy.  I saw enough though, and here are a few when I escaped during lunch.  I just fell in love with this vibrant blue door and I had to photograph it for prosperity!  Am I crazy?

I once learned from my dear friend Regina that the color that you choose to wear a particular day, or the color that you feel yourself drawn to at a particular moment has something to do with the different chakras in your body.  http://www.threeheartscompany.com/chakra.html  This website give you the different meanings of the different colors.  Apparently, my favorite, blue means

Blue is the colour of the spirit and relates to self expression - speech, communication, the ability to communicate our needs and requirements; Spirit of truth and purpose.  This is a mentally-relaxing colour. Blue has a pacifying effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation - ideal for sleep problems, and hyper-active children. Connects us to holistic thought, and gives us wisdom and clarity enhancing communication and speech.
positive aspects of blue                                                  
            - loyal 
            - trustworthy
            - tactful
            - calm     
negative aspects of blue     
            - unfaithful
            - untrustworthy
            - self-righteous
            - cold     
(info from http://threeheartscompany.com/chakra.html#blue)

This is really interesting, and I can see how some of it is true.  Today I'm wearing brown, what in the Lord's name does that mean.  I'm feeling poopy?  Ha,

Indigo relates to self responsibility - being responsible for one's own life, responsible to oneself to follow the soul's path and needs and trusting one's own intuition. (the ability to see things from a 'higher' viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction of the ego or one's material comfort.).  The indigo energy connects us to our unconscious self, and gives us the experience of being part of the whole universe. Strengthens intuition, imagination, psychic powers, and increases dream activity.
 positive aspects of indigo                                                        
            - highly intuitive
            - faithful
            - clear sighted
            - integrity 
            - orderly mind
negative aspects of indigo
            - inability to trust intuition
            - scattered mind
            - inconsiderate
            - blinkered vision                 

(info taken from http://threeheartscompany.com/chakra.html#blue)

Now this photo has been my favorite from the trip, and the colors in this particular church really spoke to me while I was there.  What an amazing color.  It is not quite blue, in the color spectrum, but more indigo and what the indigo chakra represents is very similar to what I was feeling while I was there.  It is very inreresting as well.

So still no info on what brown means.  I guess it's just a blah day.  Oh well, sometimes vacation days are blah!
I'm good with a few blah days here and there. They allow you do to things like BLOG!

To find out more about this cool color website visit the link above.  It's really awesome.

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